
Begin forwarded message:

From: Patreon <bingo@patreon.com>
Date: October 16, 2018 at 12:23:23 AM EDT
To: Jasdev Singh <jasdevs@gmail.com>
Subject: Everest Pipkin posted "october"

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Everest Pipkin posted

I'm writing this at my desk in rural Nevada, looking out over the sage and new snow on the tops of the mountains, to be sent when I next have cell or internet access- probably at the end of this residency, sometime after October 13th (update from my current motel room in New Mexico- yes- that is when I am sending this).

I've spent this month at a pair of residencies in the southwest, first at Center for Land Use Interpretation on a collaborative project about documenting the name-writing that happens in stones along the salt flats, and secondly at the mentioned Montello Foundation, working on my own projects (and many of them).

Out of everything I've been working on this month, I am most excited about a game that I have working-titled 'the ground beneath us'. It is my first try at designing for table-top, and it is played with a few people, a die and a deck of cards. It is a game about places, over time, and the traces and echoes we leave for others as we pass through them. I'm playtesting it now, but I'm aiming to have it out around the end of the month- $4+ supporters will received an advanced copy, some changes still pending, (everyone will get the final copy when it is out).

I also started a new drawing series, which I'm referring to as 'hallucinating the cloud' in my head. They look at places where physical internet infrastructure meets the actual ephemerality of the sky. They're simple in gesture, complex in execution- one is pictured up top.

The material from CLUI, all the written names documentation and associated data, is still being processed. Its been a something of a technical problem working with that stuff- I've been writing in-browser systems that convert scraped GPX data from driven car routes to send to satellite maps apis, to get back a real-time update of various imagery that matches video recorded out a car window- that type of thing. Fun to poke at, but all a little messy still. It'll likely be a 4 channel video in the end- I'll update as it does.

On November 1st, I'll be starting a web residency at isthisit, streaming Ellinger, TX all month in real-time. You'll be able to visit there, or at twitch.tv, to see that project, which I've talked about before. I'll update with more details when it is live. 

I also have been doing some Withering Systems work, including drawings for the city game, and sound for a new small game Loren is designing, about worms. 

As always, your support means so much-



$1+ supporters are receiving the menu music for the aforementioned worm game, and as-is pdf documentation from a residency way back in September of some 3d printed sculptural objects, work I'm hoping to return to in the spring. 

$4+ supporters will be receiving a PDF of 'the ground beneath us', the table-top game I'm working on. It is still pending a few questions and additional edits, but its mostly there.

$10+ supporters will be receiving a hand-drawn rock in the mail- these little miniature drawings (about 4" long) were my morning practice all month, of small stones from the landscape. I'll also be sending a physical mini zine of all 29 rocks (numbered edition of 29!) so for supporters only. Please make sure your addresses are up to date! These are going out next week.

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