Feed Management



Using Feedbin


Search Syntax

Feedbin supports an advanced search syntax. The same search syntax is also supported for Actions.


Quotes can be used to specify that all terms must be present and in the order given: "john smith"

Parentheses can be used for grouping. For example title:(quick OR brown) would match anything with a title containing either “quick” or “brown”. For search title:(quick AND brown), both terms must be present, but not in any particular order.

Boolean Operations

AND - By default, all terms are required for matching results. A search for lorem ipsum will find any document that contains lorem and ipsum.

OR - Matches long as one term is present in the article. A search for lorem ipsum will find any document that contains one or more of lorem or ipsum.

NOT - If you want to exclude terms you can use NOT this will match any document as long is it does not contain the excluded term. For example lorem NOT ipsum would find articles that contain lorem so long as they did not also contain ipsum


You can restrict searches to certain fields as well. For example if you want to only search article titles you can use title:(search terms), title:(search OR term) or title.exact:"search terms" for an exact match. The fields you can specify are:

  • title - The title of the post
  • title.exact - The exact title of the post
  • content - The content of the post
  • content.exact - The exact content of the post
  • feed_id - Search within a specific feed/feeds
  • tag_id - Search within a specific tag/tags
  • author - Search for the author of a post
  • url - The main URL of the post
  • link - An array field that contains all the hostnames of the links in the post
  • category - An array field that contains all the categories (where available) for a post

Tweets have these additional fields available:

  • twitter_screen_name - Search for twitter @usernames
  • twitter_name - Search for twitter display names
  • twitter_retweet - Boolean search for if tweet is a retweet: twitter_retweet:false
  • twitter_media - Boolean search for if tweet contains media: twitter_media:true
  • twitter_image - Boolean search for if tweet contains an image: twitter_image:true
  • twitter_link - Boolean search for if tweet contains a link: twitter_link:true

There are also two special fields

  • _missing_ For example: _missing_:title the title field has no value.
  • _exists_ For example: _exists_:author the author field must have a value.

Search for articles that link to a specific domain. For example link:nytimes.com. Link is also subdomain aware so you could do something like link:(nytimes.com NOT cooking.nytimes.com).


You can search for date ranges or relative dates using either the published or updated fields.

  • Relative. Matching everything published in the last day: published:>now-1d
  • Range. Finding everything published in 2022: published:[2022-01-01 TO 2022-12-31]

The supported time units for date math are:

  • y - Years
  • M - Months
  • w - Weeks
  • d - Days
  • h - Hours
  • m - Minutes
  • s - Seconds


You can search for the type of content. For example to only find newsletter you could search for type:newsletter.

The supported types are

  • feed
  • newsletter
  • podcast
  • twitter
  • youtube

Media Duration

For youtube and podcast types you can use the field media_duration, which is expressed in seconds. For example to find media with a duration less that 2 minutes you can search for media_duration:<120

Exact Matches

If you would like to search for exact phrases, including punctuation, stop words and special characters, you can use the title.exact and content.exact fields.

For example: title.exact:"[Sponsor]"


You can use an asterisk * as a wildcard for zero or more characters.

For example if you wanted to find podcast episodes with titles like Upgrade #123. Searching for just upgrade might produce false positives. You could get more precise matches using a wildcard like title.exact:(upgrade #*).

Leading wildcards are not allowed for performance reasons.


Starred - You can search only your starred items using is:starred. You can search only items that have not been starred with is:unstarred.

Unread - You can search only your unread items using is:unread. You can also search only your read items using is:read.

Search Order

By default Feedbin search results are returned by the published date in newest to oldest. However it is possible to set a different search order.

  • sort:asc - Sort by oldest first
  • sort:relevance - Sort by closest match

Feeds and Tags

You can limit the scope of a search to specific feeds or tags by using the feed_id and tag_id fields for example lorem feed_id:123 or ipsum tag_id:3.